Adjust Production Process of Wet Magnetic Separator
The magnetic separator equipment is the necessary equipment for mining beneficiation production, it uses the strong magnetic separation of different magnetic materials, Henan Hongxing produces magnetic mineral materials, so its application range is wide, magnetic separators can not only separate magnetic minerals, but also can remove iron, magnetic separator device is a high-tech mineral processing equipment. In the process of actual production and operation, the operator needs to adjust the device to meet the changing realities of production, then how to adjust the production process of the magnetic separator?

Wet magnetic separator is usually beneficiation process and other mineral processing equipment, the quality of magnetic separator magnetic separator and the level of accuracy is an important indicator to measure the quality of the magnetic separation work. It is to measure the important production targets throughout the beneficiation process, in order to improve concentrate taste, reduce wastage and reduce concentrate tailings recycling rates.
The operator of magnetic separator should always pay attention to the process to adjust the magnetic separator equipment, also, you should pay attention to the nature of the magnetic separation of materials, pulp density, pulp color, product quality and flushing water pressure changes in the production process of the magnetic separator, if any factors change, magnetic separator production equipment is still carried out in accordance with the normal rate of operation, which will have an impact on the normal magnetic separation operations, the operator of the magnetic separator should keep the contact from top to bottom and have a mature understanding of the production of the global nature of the materials, and further adjust the production process of the magnetic separator based on the materials nature and the change of process conditions. Adjust the quantity or flushing water pressure, the rotational speed of the magnetic drum,avoid waste of energy consumption, while ensuring the quality of concentrate and high taste.
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